

Hello World - Vno

What’s this

Vno Jekyll is a theme for Jekyll. It is a port of my Ghost theme vno, which is originally developed from Dale Anthony’s Uno.


$ git clone https://github.com/onevcat/vno-jekyll.git your_site
$ cd your_site
$ bundler install
$ bundler exec jekyll serve

Your site with Vno Jekyll enabled should be accessible in

For more information about Jekyll, please visit Jekyll’s site.


All configuration could be done in _config.yml. Remember you need to restart to serve the page when after changing the config file. Everything in the config file should be self-explanatory.

Background image and avatar

You could replace the background and avatar image in assets/images folder to change them.

Sites using Vno

My blog is using Vno Jekyll as well, you could see how it works in real. There are some other sites using the same theme. You can find them below:

Site Name URL
OneV’s Den http://onevcat.com
July Tang http://blog.julytang.xyz
Harry Lee http://qiuqi.li

If you happen to be using this theme, welcome to send me a pull request to add your site link here. :)


Great thanks to Dale Anthony and his Uno. Vno Jekyll is based on Uno, and contains a lot of modification on page layout, animation, font and some more things I can not remember. Vno Jekyll is followed with Uno and be licensed as Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. See the link for more information.


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[TOC]MVC概念​ MVC全名是Model View Controller,是模型(model)-视图(view)-控制器(controller)的缩写,一种软件设计典范,用一种业务逻辑、数据、界面显示分离的方法组织代码,将业务逻辑聚集到一个部件里面,在改进和个性化定制界面及用户交互的同时,不需要重新编写业务逻辑。MVC被独特的发展起来用于映射传统的输入、处理和输出功能在一个逻辑的图形化用户界面的结构中。MVC编程模式MVC 是一种使用 MVC(Model View Controlle...…

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Sample Post

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-r...…
